CS 30 Homework 2

Due by the beginning of class Tuesday, September 17
  1. Read The Little Schemer Chapters 4-6.

  2. Play around with the sentence generating program from class on Thursday. This code implements the Recursive Transition Networks discussed in the GEB handout (pages 131-133). Calling (sentence) generates a random sentence consisting of a fancy noun followed by a verb followed by a simple noun. For example:

    (sentence) => (((the cow) that ((the milk)) saw) drank bagels)
    It would be nice to get rid of all of the extra parentheses in the generated sentence. For example:
    (sentence) => (the cow that the milk saw drank bagels)
    To do this, we need a function called flatten that takes an arbitrarily-nested list of symbols and returns a simple "flat" list containing all of the symbols, without any extra parentheses. Assuming we had such a function, we could rewrite sentence as follows:
    (define sentence
      (lambda ()
        (flatten (list (fancy-noun) (verb) (noun)))))
    Your job is to write the function flatten.

    Hints: an arbitrarily-nested list of symbols always has one of the following general forms:

    In other words, either the list is empty, or its car is a symbol, or its car is another arbitrarily-nested list. The built-in Scheme function symbol? can be used to test if something is a symbol. Don't hesitate to define other helping functions if you need them.

Turning in your homework

Bring a printout of your flatten function to class with you on Tuesday.