CS 30 Homework 5

Due by the beginning of class Tuesday, October 8
  1. Read the article Computing Machinery and Intelligence by Alan M. Turing. Unfortunately, the printed copy that I handed out in class contains some typos and is missing a couple of tables from the original article. Click on the above link for a corrected version.

  2. Read the article A Coffeehouse Conversation on the Turing Test by Douglas R. Hofstadter, which was handed out in class.

  3. Write a page or two of reactions to the ideas discussed in these articles. Does the Turing Test seem like a reasonable way to test for the presence of genuine intelligence to you? If not, what would be a better way? What do you see as the main strengths or weaknesses of the Turing Test?

    Be prepared to discuss these articles in class next week. I will also post everyone's written reactions on the CS 30 Web page, so that you can see what your classmates had to say.

  4. Read Chapters 5-6 of Concrete Abstractions.

Turning in your homework

Write up your reactions as either a plain text file (preferred), or a Microsoft Word file. Name your file Your name HW 5 and put a copy in the DROP BOX folder. You do not need to turn in a hardcopy.