Minimax Search with Alpha-Beta Pruning

ALPHA-BETA(state, player, depth, alpha, beta)

alpha is the highest score achievable by MAX along the path to state
beta is the lowest score achievable by MIN along the path to state

If the level is the top level, let alpha = -infinity, beta = +infinity

If state is a terminal state, or if depth has reached the search limit:
    apply evaluation function
to state and return result

If player is MAX:

    Until all of state's children are examined with ALPHA-BETA or until
    alpha is equal to or greater than beta:

             Call ALPHA-BETA(child, MIN, depth+1, alpha, beta)
             and note result

          Compare the value reported to alpha; if reported value
             is larger, reset alpha to the new value

     Return largest value reported

If player is MIN:

    Until all of state's children are examined with ALPHA-BETA or until
    alpha is equal to or greater than beta:

             Call ALPHA-BETA(child, MAX, depth+1, alpha, beta)
             and note result

          Compare the value reported to beta; if reported value
             is smaller, reset beta to the new value

     Return smallest value reported