Uninformed Search



Examples of Problem Formulation

Problem-formulation is the most important step in creating a successful search application. How to choose an appropriate level of abstraction for states and operators?

Route planning


Map coloring


Missionaries and cannibals

Water jug puzzle

Uninformed Search Strategies

No information about how far we are from a goal state.

Different strategies answer the following questions in different ways:

General search algorithm:

SEARCH(problem, strategy) { 

   create a search tree with the initial state at the root 

   repeat { 

      if there are no candidates for expansion 
         return failure 

      choose a leaf node for expansion according to strategy 

      if the node represents a goal state 
         return solution 
         generate successors and add them to the candidate list 

Keep in mind:

Breadth-first search

Uniform-cost search

Nondeterministic search

Depth-first search

Depth-limited search

Iterative-deepening search

Bidirectional search

Summary of time and space complexities of search strategies is given on page 81 of SR #2

Avoiding Repeated States

SEARCH(problem, strategy) { 

   create a search tree with the initial state at the root
   create an empty closed list

   repeat {

     if there are no candidates for expansion 
        return failure 

     choose a leaf node for expansion according to strategy 

     if this node's state is already in closed list
        discard node and continue
     else if the node represents a goal state 
        return solution 
        add node's state to closed list
        generate successors and add them to the candidate list 
